Online class “Reds Sensei” was held at Saitama Municipal Takasago Elementary School. Iwao participates as a teacher

On October 26th, an online class “Reds Sensei” was held for 4th graders (189 students in 5 classes) of Saitama Municipal Takasago Elementary School. Ken Iwao participated as "Ken-sensei".

5, 4, 3, and so on until the chime for class started, and the class started.

Before talking about my dream, I played rock-paper-scissors with all the 4th graders to relax. Along the way, I asked everyone questions and asked questions along the "dream chronology", and in a slow tone, I continued playing soccer from the age of 5 until college, aiming for another dream, becoming a teacher. He said he found a way to become a soccer player.

Ken-sensei said, "People who make their dreams come true are those who have made it possible for them to do things that they cannot do themselves." When I heard this, I thought that it was about me, and I've been working hard without giving up.The dream will not run away from everyone.I want you to be able to do what you couldn't do.Don't give up, I would like to support those who have worked hard without giving up on their dreams.I will do my best to pursue my dream without giving up so that I can win the title with Urawa Reds, which is my future dream."

He carefully answered each of the many questions asked by the children, and when asked what his greatest strength was, he replied, "I try to do what I can't do. I have the ability to take action when I want to grow further." When asked what she should do in order not to give up, she said, "Always ask yourself if it's really your dream. I will definitely not betray you during the time I have, so I will receive answers that will help me."

After listening to the children's dreams, Mr. Ken asked, "I want you to say your dreams aloud in various places. The words you say can be heard in your own ears and you can tell yourself. Voice. By doing so, there will be people who will lend a helping hand.I would like you to say it out loud and have confidence toward your dreams.”

"When you think of a dream, it feels like the distant future, but from now on, little by little, I want you to cherish each and every day, starting with what you can do in the near future." and finished the lesson.

Later, I received a message from the 4th graders of Takasago Elementary School to Ken-sensei.

Mr. Ken
“Thank you for listening to my story seriously the other day. And I’m touched by the many messages you wrote. Thank you very much.”

This project is based on the Urawa Reds philosophy of "contributing to the healthy development of young people as a member of society", for children in their hometowns who are unable to lead normal lives due to the corona crisis. It is implemented.

Until the day we can interact with them directly, though it is through the screen, “Mr. Reds” will continue to send out messages that give children dreams, hopes, and courage.


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